Sean’s TOD – Mapping SRGs to 8500.2 IA Controls

Today’s Tip of the Day is learning on to Map SRGs to 8500.2 IA Controls…

Unless you work in the cutting-edge-C&A-shop at SSCA Norfolk, you likely
haven’t started trying to apply SRGs to systems yet.

Enter the attached process on how to map the CCI/NIST-based SRGs to the
8500.2 controls (at least until DIARMF).

Of course, this cumbersome process is awful. Fortunately you are on this
distro and will get the *automated* solution in tomorrows TOD.

But you wouldn’t appreciate it if I didn’t show you the manual stuff first!

Process – SRG 8500.2 Mapping – 2012-10-11

Thanks. Sean P